Released on = December 19, 2005, 6:33 pm
Press Release Author = Newmedia Publishing
Industry = Media
Press Release Summary = New York, NY -- December 21, 2005 -- Newmedia Publishing has released the print, e-book, and free e-digest editions of The WHOLE Truth About the U.S. War on Terror. Written by Mike Green, a Christian conservative journalist and Navy veteran, it calls for a full accounting from our government NOW.
Readers can visit the author\'s page, read the sample chapter, download the free e-digest, and purchase the book and ebook at as well as in their favorite bookstore.
Press Release Body = Why do we need a full accounting now? Because it is our job, as a conscientious public, to ensure our military fights for the right reasons. And in this case, there are far too many questions that our government has created, and answers our government has skirted, for a single American life to be sacrificed in a war that for all intents and purposes was started specifically from an all-out pursuit of control over oil.
What is the truth? Who is telling the truth? And what is the truth? That is what this book is about. The complete truth reveals a picture that becomes crystal clear as one comes to know the whole truth, rather than bits and pieces and distortions of it.
Still, we have to be open to the desire to know the truth. It isn\'t always a pretty picture. And often it annihilates our current perceptions and offers us an epiphany, which for some, can be difficult to accept. Nevertheless, the truth must be told and that is what I aim to do.
Despite the consistent news of suicide bombings in Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Spain and even the United Kingdom, I believe the so-called foreign \"terrorists\" targeted by our government, with both a derogatory label and a military death warrant, are not necessarily the type of indiscriminately violent people portrayed by the current \"terrorist\" image.
Before my assertion is dismissed as a \"radical\" notion that should immediately be squashed ... I suggest that if each of us would take the time to suppress the emotions that naturally well up at the memory of seeing 2,996 innocent Americans die in a single coordinated attack on this nation, we would find that there is far more to what we saw on September 11, 2001 than the destruction of a couple of skyscrapers in New York City by \"religious fanatics who hate our way of life.\"
We deserve the truth
This book provides the history and the facts on how the current War on Terror came to be. The questions the media would not ask, it does.
Truthful answers we deserve but don\'t receive are revealed. They are no secret. And once you know them, you too will be able to distinguish between the lies and propaganda told for the benefit of securing the public trust ... and the truth behind the facade.
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The company can be reached by telephone between 9-5 New York time at 201.300.0226, through its web site, and by e-mail at any time.
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Contact Details = Steven Kingsley
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